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Dead Island: Riptide producer hopes game releases in Germany, but isn't betting on it

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  • Dead Island: Riptide producer hopes game releases in Germany, but isn't betting on it

    Dead Island: Riptide, like its predecessor, is unlikely to be released in Germany. The situation is awkwardly laughable, since the game is being shown at behind-closed-door sessions at Gamescom in Germany, but the audience in attendance won't likely get to legally play the game. Pouring lemon juice on the paper cut, publisher Deep Silver is a German company.

    "Maybe they change the laws? It's about time," said Sebastian Reichert, creative producer of Riptide, expressing it's a little awkward being German and most people don't know his game. "I wouldn't bet on it [coming out here]."

    The Unterhaltungssoftware Selbskontrolle (USK) must follow government-enforced rules determined by the BPjM (German Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons). Games can't have extreme violence against human-like enemies, along with many other criteria. Dead Island: Riptide has not yet been submitted to the USK.
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