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Dark Souls II Concept Art: See the Things That Want to Kill You Dead

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  • Dark Souls II Concept Art: See the Things That Want to Kill You Dead

    Some concept art for Dark Souls II has found its way online, showing some of the typically dark and twisted monsters you'll be facing as you visit the dark depths and bowels of the gloomy dungeons in the game's new world.

    Promising to be more accessible, but still every bit as demanding as its predecessor, Dark Souls II is a mouth-watering prospect, taking players on another gruelling journey, where every bit of incremental progress is hard-fought and well-earned.

    You can cast your eyes over the concept art below for a first look at some of the vistas you'll see, some of the weapons and items you'll wield, and some of the monsters you'll encounter when Dark Souls II launches. 2013? 2014? A release window has yet to be confirmed.

  • #2
    I cant fucking wait!!!!!!!!
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