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HELP REQUEST - Alien Colonial Marines (Offline Multiplayer Update)

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  • HELP REQUEST - Alien Colonial Marines (Offline Multiplayer Update)

    Hey guys,

    As many if you may know I'm limited to my iPhone for Internet. I'm a mile from the Internet cut off and it's just ridiculous! Anyways I've been playing this game and have been wanting it for years. It drops and the campaign is so so could be better could be worse. It seems that they took more time working on the multiplayer mode though as that's all their trailers were about.

    So last night I tried to play multiplayer OFFLINE (which is an option as well as LAN and online) anyways the game lets you play BUT you're running around an empty map. There's nobody to fight. That is the ONLY way I get to experience the alien playable character.

    I got on and tried to suggest something, but it would never send through. I went on their Facebook page and sent an inbox message. I also went to Sega support site and sent them the same message. (I had to make a sega account to do that too!) a lady quickly responded and referred me to the forums for gearbox software. Again I had to create an account.

    Basically here's my thing. I can't play multiplayer without Internet and that's like 50% of the game or gaming experience. I want to see if they will put a patch out that will add AI Bots so I can get the alien experience and all that fun. I want to try to survive and stuff too!

    Call of duty Black Ops 1 had a patch when it was first released and they added them to the game. I think it was called some diet of training. Then when Black Ops 2 came out this AI vista feature was on there as well. That way you can play just like you do online but with bots. Call of duty modern warfare 3 lacks this ability. The AI bots were used way back on N64 James Bond 007 "the world is not enough"

    This CAN be done. BUT I need help that it's not just me wanting this. I know guys that I'm still in the ancient age and all but please if you could take a few minutes comment on this thread on gearbox (create an account if needed please! It's fast and free) once nobody plays the game anymore it can still be played as it was online but offline!

    PLEASE GUYS! I know it's not a big deal to you guys as everyone has internet or hates the game but if you could support I would greatly appreciate it. I know it's a hassle to create an account u may not use but I did it lol

    Anyways as you can tell I'm desperate. Here's the link to the forum and thread the original message to sega and ACM Facebook is on there.

    [MENTION=2399]GreenL420 [MENTION=1]Skyfall [MENTION=856]L-Booma [MENTION=458]Exodus please tag or notify anyone else you know that's a gamer. Thanks!

  • #2
    not trying to burst your bubble but its gonna be hard to get them to make a specific patch it would have to have a ton of people requesting in the forum with a similar situation before i think they would take a look at it unfortunately but ya never know never hurts to try


    • #3
      HELP REQUEST - Alien Colonial Marines (Offline Multiplayer Update)

      Originally posted by GreenL420 View Post
      not trying to burst your bubble but its gonna be hard to get them to make a specific patch it would have to have a ton of people requesting in the forum with a similar situation before i think they would take a look at it unfortunately but ya never know never hurts to try
      Yeah I know buddy that's why I'm crying for help lol. Most everyone has online so it won't make a difference to them but it's such a simple thing I don't know why they don't do it.

      I messaged all these admins or leaders on the forum too lol I'm doing all I can but its gonna take more than just me.


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