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The Walking Dead Survival Instinct (Anyone Played It Yet?)

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  • The Walking Dead Survival Instinct (Anyone Played It Yet?)

    Hey just wondering if anyone's played the game yet? It was released today (march 19th) in the USA. I've got mine with me but I'm at work. I'm sort of skeptical about how this game will turn out. The shows great but I'm scared about the game.

    For a start it pisses me off there's no co-op! You play as 2 brothers!! Why couldn't one be a 2nd player and not AI? Maybe it's because of how the gameplays I'm not sure yet but for fuck sakes lol.

    I'm also interested in this dlc it came with!! Anyways any info is appreciated.

  • #2
    Originally posted by MCNewYork71 View Post
    Hey just wondering if anyone's played the game yet? It was released today (march 19th) in the USA. I've got mine with me but I'm at work. I'm sort of skeptical about how this game will turn out. The shows great but I'm scared about the game.

    For a start it pisses me off there's no co-op! You play as 2 brothers!! Why couldn't one be a 2nd player and not AI? Maybe it's because of how the gameplays I'm not sure yet but for fuck sakes lol.

    I'm also interested in this dlc it came with!! Anyways any info is appreciated.
    yeah i'd wanna know how good the game is come's out here 22nd of this month i did not know they was no co-op which is a bit stupid when you have merle with you dumb idea not to have it imo
    you should do a little mini review [MENTION=3662]MCNewYork71 when you have played it


    • #3
      The Walking Dead Survival Instinct (Anyone Played It Yet?)

      Originally posted by Hannibal The Konqueror View Post
      yeah i'd wanna know how good the game is come's out here 22nd of this month i did not know they was no co-op which is a bit stupid when you have merle with you dumb idea not to have it imo
      you should do a little mini review [MENTION=3662]MCNewYork71 when you have played it
      Totally agree. Pisses me off its 1 player. Horrible idea. But ill let everyone know my opinion on it. I'm hoping its good. I've got the herds mode too so I can give the tip on it as well. Ill tag u when I play it.

      In the pic I was trying to show the 1 little bastard player lol



      • #4
        Originally posted by MCNewYork71 View Post
        Totally agree. Pisses me off its 1 player. Horrible idea. But ill let everyone know my opinion on it. I'm hoping its good. I've got the herds mode too so I can give the tip on it as well. Ill tag u when I play it.

        In the pic I was trying to show the 1 little bastard player lol

        yeah cheers mate


        • #5
          The Walking Dead Survival Instinct (Anyone Played It Yet?)

          [MENTION=2855]Hannibal The Konqueror

          Hey my small review. I didn't get to play it too much but from what I played I enjoyed.

          It's cool to try and be stealthily and collect things or you can run and gun or run and beat down lol. I tried killin all walkers in the levels which wasn't too hard as long as you get it to a few at a time.

          Some parts I found myself searching for what I needed to do lost but overall it was fun. You find survivors and you can bring them along it tells u their ups and downs.

          You find random weapons. I've found a hammer, a lead pipe, shotgun, rifle, revolver, baseball bat, pistol, assault rifle. You can throw glass bottles to distract walkers.

          You travel in the cars but don't drive at least I haven't yet. You can select routes. Each uses different amounts of gas and opens opportunities to scavenge.

          Herds mode or whatever. I liked it. Seems legit. You're in a map and you fight waves of zombies they get harder as you go and more come. I didn't encounter a boss or anything. I know they said zombies aren't stronger than others but some are more aggressive than others.

          In herds it seems like ammo is unlimited. Areas open up like a store loaded with health and ammo. But if those fuckers catch u in there it's a wrap. They overpower you pretty easily. I had fun.

          As far as graphics I didn't play it on hd yet I just used my projector. It looked alright but wasn't spectacular. I wasn't expecting great graphics. The kills are pretty cool too. But in story it seems you see a lot of the same zombies where herds had additional looking ones.


          • #6
            I have d/l it for pc and started playing last night i think it will be good from what i have played the graphics aint great and stuff but i usually expect that when the game retails below the regular prices like this ones 39.99$ price tag for fans of the series i think it will be a fun play threw although so far i enjoyed the other walking dead game better but like i said still haven't made it this far in this game so it will probably pick up.


            • #7
              Thanks [MENTION=3662]MCNewYork71 for the review i might pick it up in like a week or two after it drops cos the price sometimes drops as well cheers guys


              • #8
                The Walking Dead Survival Instinct (Anyone Played It Yet?)

                I've played more and I'm still into it.

                It's cool because walkers can smell you. You'll start to creep up on one to execute him but he/she will stop eating someone and start to smell you and rise up and turn around and grab at you.

                They also have some sneaky bastards that crawl on the ground or floor and grab you. Fuckers have got me a few times.


                • #9
                  The game is alright i have played a bit more but for me certainly not what i was expecting i find telltales point and click one 1000 times better then the fps so far better story and stuff.


                  • #10
                    I wasn't big on the Jurassic park one they did. I wish it was a survival game (Jurassic park) and not the dialogue make them talk point and click crap. A survival JP would be legit. Not a shooter, maybe tran darts or something.

                    But anyways as far as Survival Instinct goes. One thing about herds mode that pisses me off is LACK OF INCENTIVE. There's no need to really play herds. No points, just # of waves completed and # of walkers killed. Can't play with a friend. Split screen would be legit.

                    Campaign is alright I wish there was a point system though. I like to kill all zombies but you don't get an rewards. So when I explore the map to find supplies I'm killin these dudes for nothin. It's fun though until you get grabbed by 1 zombie and there's a bunch because you can break free. It's kill them all one after another by smashing R2/RT repeatedly and hope you're accurate or just say fuck it and wait to die and then wait through the extremely long load screen again.


                    • #11
                      Beat the game. The end was bad ass! Lots of zombies. Now that I beat it I get the assault rifle and the crossbow to start the game with. Well it's an option along with others. They're called Relics. You unlock by doing certain task.

                      I still have a lot of trophies to collect on the game. I enjoyed it. Not the best game ever but it's not horrible. If you want a fps to just kill zombies then this is a win.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MCNewYork71 View Post
                        Beat the game. The end was bad ass! Lots of zombies. Now that I beat it I get the assault rifle and the crossbow to start the game with. Well it's an option along with others. They're called Relics. You unlock by doing certain task.

                        I still have a lot of trophies to collect on the game. I enjoyed it. Not the best game ever but it's not horrible. If you want a fps to just kill zombies then this is a win.
                        Hmm were you playing the same game that i did? Cause i thought this game was an utter piece of shit! Holy fuck the AI in this game is fuckin ridiculous...and the hoardes?....just find a door and stand can LITERALLY take out the entire hoard with just your knife!!! WTF?!!! Man i ended up renting this game at the Redbox and holy shit am i glad i didn't pay the money to buy this piece of shit! No fuckin way this game is worth $50!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by DarkPhantom13 View Post
                          Hmm were you playing the same game that i did? Cause i thought this game was an utter piece of shit! Holy fuck the AI in this game is fuckin ridiculous...and the hoardes?....just find a door and stand can LITERALLY take out the entire hoard with just your knife!!! WTF?!!! Man i ended up renting this game at the Redbox and holy shit am i glad i didn't pay the money to buy this piece of shit! No fuckin way this game is worth $50!
                          Thank god for redbox 2pacca!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DarkPhantom13 View Post
                            Hmm were you playing the same game that i did? Cause i thought this game was an utter piece of shit! Holy fuck the AI in this game is fuckin ridiculous...and the hoardes?....just find a door and stand can LITERALLY take out the entire hoard with just your knife!!! WTF?!!! Man i ended up renting this game at the Redbox and holy shit am i glad i didn't pay the money to buy this piece of shit! No fuckin way this game is worth $50!
                            Lol! I think the AI is alright. They aren't supposed to be really smart. They can hear you and smell you. I think that's cool.

                            In herds mode I like to run around that gas station then in the back alley way pull a "300" and blast them down with the shotty. Most places have more than 1 entrance so you really can't stand in 1 place. I liked having them chase me then turn around and unload.

                            It's not the best game by any means but I find it fun besides the long load screen.


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