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GTA 5 - My Attempt At The 3 Man Army Trophy (Story)

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  • GTA 5 - My Attempt At The 3 Man Army Trophy (Story)

    I go for 3 man army trophy a few times. That's where you have all 3 characters and you evade the police on at least 3 stars for 3 and a half minutes.

    First try I'm on the way to get Michael riding in a cab. I get there and get out and whistle for the cab to stay. I run to Michael and he's following me but gets stranded behind. So it says go get him. So I get out the cab and run to where he was and he spawned in the cab and it took off! Without me!

    I chased the fucker around the block on foot whistling at it and it wouldn't stop. Finally I catch it and by that time Trevor text and is like fuck u u set me up. So I failed before I started.

    2nd attempt I successfully got them both. I go to the airport to see if I can fit all of us in the Luxor you know it's a private jet. Nope only 2. So I tried another small plane. Nope.

    Well by this time Michael got scared so I lost him from the team. Then Trevor fell off the plane trying to get out and died, or was injured. I stole his gun and pointed it at Michael. It went to cut scene and he punched and killed me!


    After this it was about 4am so I went to bed.

  • #2
    Ended up getting this trophy the other day. Wasn't hard once you get both those fuckers and don't try to get in a plane.

    A little too easy because I didn't have to evade the cops, you just have to survive past the time limit of 3 minutes and 30 seconds. They should've made it survive and evade. But hell I shouldn't complain on an easy trophy. There's enough bullshit ones out there.

    Anyways just drive around or go to the airport and drive around there.


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