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DRAGON AGE: INQUISITION - 30 Minute Gameplay Leak Is Droolworthy

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  • DRAGON AGE: INQUISITION - 30 Minute Gameplay Leak Is Droolworthy

    Thanks to YouTube user Peelajaboard and his 30-minute gameplay video (taken at this year's Digiexpo), we have a pretty extensive look at the day to day events in Dragon Age: Inquisition, and I came away with a sound belief that Bioware is bringing grey back to the series, something that was missing in Dragon Age: 2. Sometimes there are no good choices, just the best of bad ones, and it's something that made the first Dragon Age so memorable. This is illustrated in the demonstration when the developers opt to secure the keep while letting the town fall, something that doesn't sit well with Varric.

    Also of note in the video is just how gorgeous this game looks, even in its pre-alpha state. From the green and yellow glows of the various tears in the world to just how the grass moves and sways in the wind, this game, and games like it, are why next generation consoles exist. While I didn’t bemoan the lack of a tactical view in my DA games previously (mostly because I never played the original on PC where that view was available) I do welcome the advantages of having it and foresee spending a great deal of time there. As long as they can keep the framerate running at a consistent clip, all of these changes are for the better, so do yourself a favor and peep the video before it gets removed.
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