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‘inFAMOUS: Second Son’ – Release Date, Neon Powers Trailer, & PS4 Bundle

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  • ‘inFAMOUS: Second Son’ – Release Date, Neon Powers Trailer, & PS4 Bundle

    While many gamers are chomping at the bit to get their hands on PS4 launch titles like Killzone: Shadow Fall, Resogun, and Knack, some gamers are looking to next year’s inFAMOUS: Second Son as the first must-have title for Sony’s next-gen platform. However, although we knew inFAMOUS: Second Son was slated to hit some time early next year, we didn’t know when exactly…until now.

    As part of Sony’s PS4 All Access Event, developer Sucker Punch announced that inFAMOUS: Second Son will hit store shelves on March 21st of next year. And, to celebrate the announcement, they unveiled a new, neon-centric trailer.

    Neon, as some may know, is one of the myriad powers inFAMOUS: Second Son protagonist Delsin Rowe will have at his disposal. As the trailer shows, the neon power isn’t all that different from Delsin’s smoke power, leaving a cool neon shadow as he zips across Second Son‘s version of Seattle.

    In addition to a firm release date, several new inFAMOUS: Second Son news items have come to light, including word of a PS4 bundle pre-packaged with the game. The bundle will, of course, come with a shiny new PS4 console, as well as the Collector’s Edition of inFAMOUS: Second Son. That Collector’s Edition includes a Delsin Rowe beanie hat, a bonus mission that delves into inFAMOUS 1 & 2 protagonist Cole’s legacy, and a copy of inFAMOUS: Second Son.

    As was previously mentioned, many gamers are holding out for the launch of inFAMOUS: Second Son – which we now know will hit on March 21, 2014 – to pick up a PS4, so here’s a perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. No pricing or price date has been revealed for the bundle, but there’s still plenty of time for Sony to make those announcements.

    And finally, Arekkz Gaming has uploaded a 5-minute gameplay video of inFAMOUS: Second Son in action. The footage shows Delsin trying to make his way through a D.U.P. checkpoint without causing any trouble, but things go awry pretty quick. After that is a fairly straightforward sequence where the player must destroy a few objectives before continuing on.

    One thing that’s interesting to note about the demo is inFAMOUS: Second Son‘s use of the DualShock 4′s touchpad to mimic lifting an object. Sure, it’s somewhat gimmicky, and hearkens back to the days of SIXAXIS functionality, but the action makes sense given the context.

    There were a lot of big announcements at the PS4 All Access Event – Uncharted, early access to Destiny’s beta – many of them meant to inspire interest in Sony’s next-gen console’s future, not just its present. inFAMOUS: Second Son is shaping up to be one of those near future titles worth keeping an eye on, and we can’t wait to see more.

    Will you be picking up an inFAMOUS: Second Son PS4 bundle? What do you think of the new neon power?

    inFAMOUS: Second Son releases March 21, 2014 for the PS4.
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