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Space Hulk: Deathwing coming to PS4 in 2015

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  • Space Hulk: Deathwing coming to PS4 in 2015

    Streum On Studio revealed that its interstellar first-person shooter Space Hulk: Deathwing will arrive on the PlayStation 4 next year.

    Based in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, Space Hulk: Deathwing charges players with raiding derelict spaceships and fending off the deadly alien creatures that infest their cramped corridors. Developer Full Control produced a strategy-oriented take on the Space Hulk franchise last year for PC and mobile platforms, though Streum On's adaptation instead focuses on frantically paced combat. A specific release date has not been announced.

  • #2
    Looks alright but I'm not so sure about how I feel on how these guys look. They're kind of big on bulky people. Couldn't really see the alien things much but I'll wait for more gameplay.

    I'm just waiting for something super dope to drop exclusively in ps4


    • #3
      Originally posted by MCNewYork71 View Post
      Looks alright but I'm not so sure about how I feel on how these guys look. They're kind of big on bulky people. Couldn't really see the alien things much but I'll wait for more gameplay.

      I'm just waiting for something super dope to drop exclusively in ps4
      i was never much a fan of the warhammer games personally.


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