In addition to the bizarre, surprising news that Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is getting online multiplayer, Major Nelson has revealed new Xbox Live content including upcoming Deals of the Week. This week's deal features half-price DLC for the ill-fated Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, which knocks both 'Teeth of Naros' and 'Legend of Dead Kel' down to $5 each, while a weapons and armor bundle is available for $2.50. Also up for grabs this week is Bejeweled 3 for $7.50.
Next week, three bits of Saints Row: The Third DLC – 'Gangstas in Space,' 'Genkibowl VII,' and 'The Trouble with Clones' – will be available for $3.50 each. The 'Missing Link' DLC for Deus Ex: Human Revolution will also be discounted $7.50, while a handful of Just Cause 2 DLC will be available for $1 a pop.