Loneliness is an emotion that I am very used to
Something I withstand day by day, through and through
This is a part story of my heart, this is for you
Hurt and pain are my friends, that can be said
But my tears do not cry, they do not shed
Will I be missed if I fail to awake from my bed
Shall I go to heaven or to hell where afterlife is red
Who loves me, my mother, brother or my father?
None. As I am isolated, I want to be alone, that I'd rather
Maybe love is the to cure this loneliness, but that is harder
But love is that merky mountain, each step is darker
Can I see the light, a saviour that can stop me being hurled
I just wish my life was simple, but what is simple in this world?
For me in my situation, it is a heart that loves me, from a girl.
Something I withstand day by day, through and through
This is a part story of my heart, this is for you
Hurt and pain are my friends, that can be said
But my tears do not cry, they do not shed
Will I be missed if I fail to awake from my bed
Shall I go to heaven or to hell where afterlife is red
Who loves me, my mother, brother or my father?
None. As I am isolated, I want to be alone, that I'd rather
Maybe love is the to cure this loneliness, but that is harder
But love is that merky mountain, each step is darker
Can I see the light, a saviour that can stop me being hurled
I just wish my life was simple, but what is simple in this world?
For me in my situation, it is a heart that loves me, from a girl.