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  • poem

    I've looked for my lost soul in the caverns of my after-thoughts/tiny holes of sanity reminding me of what the laughter brought
    teary eyes of happiness enveloping the noisy silence/its nice when my mind starts to develop signs of violence
    and my head explodes as I start to terrorise the liberals and escapists/and making yall appointments with Hypno the Rapist
    Is my mind right, or did I lose it a long fucking time ago, time to let the feelings flow, maybe my blood pressures low
    but I'm thinking with a sinking feeling I'm getting low again
    times getting slow again, making enemies of friends again
    cos what I see of me aint what its percieved to be, free of all emotion what I wrote ain how its sposed to be
    I live long in my dreams and be a good daddy
    but what remains is an avatar and a web addy
    Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, he doesn't even seem to be livin'... until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then... ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin
    Where blood has been shed the tree of forgiveness cannot grow

  • #2
    Always loved your poems Bobby. Real nice job. Thing is I couldnt take it that seriously because of your sig haha, still cracks me up


    • #3
      deep one the transitions...the battle within between love of a father and anger of a

      keep em comin yo...


      • #4
        Good one.

        It's time to take your pen bobby, m?

        By jamaal


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