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  • Dedication

    I dedicate this to my grandfather, rip.

    Grandpops, I know I didn't really know u well
    But listen close cus I got a story to tell
    Got pictures and videos of us spending time together
    But what's chances of coming back, please be now or never
    For the better, u held the held the whole family apart
    Laid the foundations but now ur gone, were left in the dark
    Sometimes I wonder why god put u through so much pain
    If he wanted to punish someone why not put me at blame
    I question the lord, why did he take u away
    With no delay, I didn't even get to see u on ur last day
    Paps left to go and see u, leavin me, my bro, my ma behind
    Had to stay in a strangers house, so miserable and dirty, what a crime
    Left without any money, rushed to get to school on time*
    I no ur late life was filled with so much misery
    Countless hearts attacks and strokes, prayed god help him please
    For what did u do wrong dear grandfather? reast in peace

    Edit: Just wanna say, this is more of a verse for a song on a beat like never had a friend like me..
    Last edited by Shiva; 01-21-2010, 07:32 PM.

  • #2
    this is a really heart felt poem.thanks for sharing shiva.
    "Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face...." Mike Tyson


    • #3
      Nice job man really good poem always wanted to do something like that for my grandfather that past in 96 hope one day u can help with it Siva


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