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Dave is back.... and how :D

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  • #16
    Wait. Is this the real dave who made countless topics about pacs underwear etc?


    • #17
      Originally posted by enya View Post


      peep 0:04, when he goes "i can't swallow no more"

      Dave... Realest meant swallow alcohol not cum
      yuk u sick lol


      • #18
        yes it is
        and i just put this in photoshop to uncover his face (making it brighter)
        and guess what

        Dave = Peter Forkenbrock = Dante ......



        • #19
          jossy lol u in love wit me, u a stalker lol, 1st u stalk tha realest now me, damn im becoming an underground legend


          • #20
            I don't stalk you
            if you didn't want to be seen you wouldn't put those videos up on youtube with the option PUBLIC
            but clearly you wanted the attention so I'm doing you a favor
            It's pretty sad though that this is what you gotta do to seek attention


            • #21
              well i neva posted them on this site, just youtube but if are my fan a drink to that

              jossy is a player u did not know he a p i m p
              Last edited by nba2k13; 05-28-2012, 04:27 PM.


              • #22
                you've been warned in another thread for posting my full name and picture and now you do it again?
                + all ur bullshit threads.... + these videos totally discredit you

                i feel a ban coming up....

                @007 [MENTION=472]003
                I'd also like my last name removed from this thread


                • #23
                  lol hold on last time i checked ur youtube account is called jossyhadash and u posted it on youtube, & ur songs and pictures are public dumbass, so u bein hypocrit, i posted my crazy vids on utube just havin some fun jokin around and then u actin all tough and hard postin 2 threads wit ur best friend correa about me tryin to get people to go against me, so u started it fool, u tryin to start drama, i posted it on youtube not here, shit i dont really care just doin videos foolin around, but u actin like a lil girl cause some1 usin ur youtube name when is public lol u cry baby

                  and u know when u startin threads like

                  "dave is back"

                  "wow, just wow"

                  u tryin to get shit started by those remarks, why u on my ass so much, does my face turn u on, why u stalkin me jossyhad? lol look whos talkin
                  Last edited by nba2k13; 05-29-2012, 06:21 PM.


                  • #24
                    and u talkin shit to me and tryin to take pictures out of my videos makin it brighter and shit, so stop wit ur cryin when i use ur shit thats also public, if u willin to dish it out, then be willin to it back

                    [B]"and i just put this in photoshop to uncover his face (making it brighter)
                    and guess what

                    Dave = Peter Forkenbrock = Dante ......

                    Last edited by nba2k13; 05-29-2012, 05:49 AM.


                    • #25
                      so i guess every1 the mods here are sensitive when i post a picture of jossy and close my thread and knowing his picture is public and his name is public on youtube like my shit, so if yall catchin feelin over this guy and closin my thread, then some1 close this thread too

                      along wit this 1 by correa

                      i just made some videos foolin around but some people just treating me like shit and they dont get no warnings, so wtf is goin on wit this hypocrit stuff, so every1 loves jossy and fuck me i guess, yall sometimes go over the top wit yall disses too


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by thuggincold View Post
                        well i neva posted them on this site, just youtube but if are my fan a drink to that

                        jossy is a player u did not know he a p i m p
                        Again, Its NOT allowed to post pictures from other members without their permission.

                        Originally posted by Jossy View Post
                        yes it is
                        and i just put this in photoshop to uncover his face (making it brighter)
                        and guess what

                        Dave = Peter Forkenbrock = Dante ......

                        Same 4 u.


                        • #27
                          ok thanks for lettin that hypocrit jossy know too


                          • #28
                            We said before in the pictures thread here if people don't like their pictures being uploaded without permission on this forum let us know and we will remove them. your stuff is videos dave, although you look at them the same it's not. You uploaded them on a public site for the world to see and have to give permission in the youtube agreement

                            You have been warned and jossy will read the same words as you.... so no playing sides

                            also.. if you too have beef take it to the what's beef section.. not general forum.

                            thank you


                            • #29
                              so why is he bitchin about not postin his name jossy hadash, and the name is on youtube dats his youtube name jossyhadash and its public lol, so i aint bitchin much about postin my videos, its the fact he bitchin, snitchin, and pretending to be a saint or innocent when he started the threads and takin photos of my video u and postin it here, if jossy cant take it, then why he messin wit me, so its hypocrit shit dats why im pissed, i mean his youtube name is public and his pictures so wtf is up wit that freak stop fuckin wit me makin threads or talkin shit and i wont talk about u jossy
                              Last edited by nba2k13; 05-29-2012, 06:48 PM.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by thuggincold View Post
                                so why is he bitchin about not postin his name jossy hadash, and the name is on youtube dats his youtube name jossyhadash and its public lol, so i aint bitchin much about postin my videos, its the fact he bitchin and pretending to be a saint or innocent when he started the threads and takin photos of my video and postin it here, if jossy cant take it, then why he messin wit me, so its hypocrit shit dats why im pissed, i mean his youtube name is public and his pictures so wtf is up wit that freak stop fuckin wit me makin threads or talkin shit and i wont talk about u jossy
                                so take it to the whats beef section like i said in future.... enough of going over this again and again in the public forum

                                and it's spelt "Hypocrite"


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