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Poetry Competition Round 1: Love

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  • Poetry Competition Round 1: Love

    Ok, sorry for the delay...

    first entry should be about love...lost, forgotten, gained, falling in, blah blah...anything with the underlining theme of love...

    all pieces need to be submitted to me BY PM ONLY...i will then add them to this thread anonomously (tx CD) with numbers, this way there will be no bias when voting...voters will simply either list the number they like or list the poems numerically in order of appeal...

    anyone can enter, even if you did not drop an "im in" on the sign up thread...that was just to see who was interested...

    lets say no later than Friday AM...but if you got one sooner send it in...

    word up peeps...

  • #2
    ive only got 2 entries so far ppl...
    plus mine...3 total out of like 6 ppl who said "im in"?


    • #3
      i officialy announce my withdrawal from this competition as i wont make deadline.

      good luck to all the participants


      • #4
        This sucks, i knew only a few people will participate. Just post the three poems and thats all.


        • #5
          i apologize for the no show, but i couldnt get time to come up with somth.

          especially with that subject...

          right now my love poems gotta be spoken, not written.


          • #6
            Let the voting begin!

            just pick a winning number out of 3...
            we will announce who's it was before 'Round 2: War'...

            #1. Trance of Love
            The vast ocean is idyllic, as the sand alleviate our fall
            The wind is so lively, playing gently with her spiral curls
            I can feel her whole tenderness overwhelming my body
            And our lips collide in a blissful myth

            This is a trance my dear, a transition of feelings
            A breathtaking trip between the round earth and the infinite cosmic vision
            It’s a trance of love

            The midnight sun is mixing the blue of the ocean with the orange
            And I feel the warmth of her hands caressing my back
            I feel ecstatic, as she put a quixotic spell on this heavenly moment
            Romance thrive like a flower and I can smell the aroma soaring in the air

            This is a trance my dear, a transition of feelings
            A breathtaking trip between the round earth and the infinite cosmic vision
            It’s a trance of love

            As our bodies contact I can feel the vibe of her heart accelerate
            Its a nostalgic melody from the paste sweeping my present and constructing my future
            It’s so vivid like an historical painting, a replica of our love
            The ocean is still idyllic as I feel the deepest feeling from above

            Trance of love

            #2. Aborted Love

            I could never swim in seas
            or play on plateaus high
            or never fell upon the ground
            felt pain that made me cry
            could never see the animals
            that make our planet home
            stay in the bed or go outside
            watch as the other roam
            I'll never see the sunrise
            or sun-set on another day
            or watch my friends and family
            have fun and laugh and play
            can never tell my mommy
            how much I love her so
            and hold daddy in my arms
            and he would say how much I've grown
            I never saw grandparents that would let me have such fun
            for my life was not to be
            it never really begun
            but the thing I need to say
            the thing that hurts the most
            is the fact that I would worship you
            I would have loved you both

            #3. My Gift

            she was a blurr, fantasy or reality
            i was not really sure
            an image of heavenly light
            blinding visions like night
            blackness fallen upon the day
            what should I do? what could I say?
            in bashful confusion my head hung low
            until an idea sparkled a galactic glow
            i'll make a present, artistic construction
            to show my soul was it's main function
            what could it be to make the desired see
            something lovely, something of true originality
            a gift to sift me from all to follow
            separation will make me the only tomorrow
            the search begun, high, low, far and near
            oh god, failure was now my only fear
            what does an angel want or need?
            does a goddess have the ability to bleed?
            no I thought not, she was more
            she walked across oceans leaving prints on every shore
            she looked over crowds and
            laid her head down in clouds
            to all earthly mortals she was truely foreign
            in mother natures image I believed she was born in
            the gift of life she possessed...rejuvination
            power of understanding, healing without contemplation
            a beautiful flower among seas of weeds
            capable of fulfilling all of a mans needs
            after not finding what I thought to look for
            I came to realize all I have said meant more
            so these thoughts are what to her I wrote
            to her I swore in a vow my life to devote
            all I needed to give her holiness from above
            was all of me sent in an envelope of love!

            tx to the participants...


            • #7
              how about 3
              THE REMIX KING
              / Certified Music Critic


              • #8
                man 1 and 3 are impressive.

                but im gonna go with 2 for its depht and its unconditional love feel.

                while two other poems r strictly about love in the relationship sense, poem 2 i feel the true depth of love, that goes beyond regular relationships


                • #9
                  couple more votes wuld be nice so we can move on...



                  • #10
                    cmon mofos we not asking for paragraphs more like "i liked this and bla bla so my vote is x"

                    is that hard?

                    IOU free sigs from bushi for whoever votes after this


                    • #11
                      not the type of stuff I usually fancy in poetry but if I had to pick it'd be number 3, although it reads a bit more like a freestyle.
                      Originally posted by thuggincold
                      maybe pac wouldve been a porn director and fuck all those hot girls from porn along wit the outlawz shit maybe a featured of snoop gangbangin a girl wit pac


                      • #12
                        ima roll with number 3 myself...


                        • #13
                          k number 3 gets the votes 3 to 1, lets move on
                          Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, he doesn't even seem to be livin'... until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then... ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin
                          Where blood has been shed the tree of forgiveness cannot grow


                          • #14
                            agreed....lets move on...

                            tx to all who voted...

                            round 2 thread coming up...


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