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"Life of Hustle"- Single Release

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  • "Life of Hustle"- Single Release

    "How 2 live the life to make it to the top especially wen u living that tru life in hard timez.. Whatever it takes"...

    Presented with different rhythms and changed up flow in a consistant matter. Of course good melody conception and shit like that just have a listen. Should be a classic 4 ya... It was well organized I think.
    leave comments where it counts...

    zSHARE - Life of Hustle.mp3

    Note: *When streaming in zshare turn up the volume bar in the browsers media player... makes a big difference. *
    Last edited by Raydon; 12-31-2009, 03:40 AM.
    sigpic When looking forward to things in life... Remember you can strive even further if u have confidence!

  • #3
    i like the vibe, hard to understand you tho
    / Certified Music Critic


    • #4
      Meh if you want real feedback you gota ask Chuck


      • #5

        Okay whats the difference between what you just said and someone dropping a feed?

        if u mean no one has material for anyone to reply to makes sense but yea thanks.. I will look into it. Unless chuck doesnt check out posts in this section which is why I gotta ask him.
        sigpic When looking forward to things in life... Remember you can strive even further if u have confidence!


        • #6
          ^ Because Chuck actually does stuff like this and is dope at at. For example

          It was okay though.


          • #7
            yea.. it was kinda hard to understand you and you gonna have to get away from pacs flow and delivery though and come up with more of your own style... i had the same problem when i first started rappin so i know how that goes....


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