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Chuck Dirty - Beastin These Beats Volume 1

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  • Chuck Dirty - Beastin These Beats Volume 1

    Drop some feedback in the thread if you download...
    Last edited by Chuck Dirty; 08-01-2009, 10:28 PM.

  • #2
    re this up plz
    Saul "Canelo" Alvarez


    • #3


      • #4

        1. beat is borin, the lyrics are the thing kept this song alive rhymes and has a flow to it 3.75/5

        2. chorus is dope, raps about the life of a hustla obvi. lyrics are dope to 4.5/5

        3. whos at the intro your daughter, lol nice get those bustas, the beat was ok and the outro was dope too "you got em dirty" 3.75/5

        4. this one is dope lyrically, is hear a rock sample on the beat, i guess the syndicate is your group, i like it a lot 4.75/5

        5. wtf at the intro i dont get it, where did u get a mexican for you photoshoot ,the beat is dope especially the extra instru. that come in on the chorus, 4/5

        6. we some maniacs maniacs chorus is dope, lyrics are dope too the beat on this is the best so far 4.5/5 this immortal technique sample, i wish you woulda keep with the concept immortal technique laid out, that song was deep as fuck, anyways its ok but cant live up to the original 3/5

        8. chorus is dope were is it sampled from i like it, this song is about the hardships people face everyday, i think this one is dope as fuck 5/5

        9. this one is not that good, it doesnt live up to what biggie did, just not feelin this one 2/5

        10. nice sample again, flows well and has a good structure, even though the beat is laid back it fits well 5/5

        11. club banger, everybody throw em up. this is the kind of stuff that plays in clubs, chorus is dope and is a def. ringtone seller 4.25/5

        12. beats are just gettin better and better, the chorus "im the type that never had nothin", the lyrics sound good and flow well. 4.75/5

        13. this one is labled as horns & halos but anyways whos on the chorus another nice sample, the beat is dope as usual 4/5

        14. why is the introduction at track 14 lol, doesnt really make sense, not really feelin it

        15. lot of samples of this one i see hit em up beat on it, another one that ive heard but dont recognize, it is long and really doesnt have a chorus, so its all lyrics, it is aight but could be better 3/5

        16. beat is dope and the lyrics are dope, chorus could use work though 3.5/5

        17. its ok but not really feelin it, beat is probably the best on the entire album 4/5

        18. this one is ok too but it really doesnt live up to the orignial, 3.25/5

        Overall it was pretty good, a couple tracks are not good, ex: dead wrong freestyle & dance with the devil freestyle, while others i can bang anytime, ex: diary & never had nothin. overall i rate this a 4/5 still could use work on some of the beats though, get a new producer is suggest, he/she produced some good ones but others where just not good like i expected, i like hard goin beats not really laidback ones
        Saul "Canelo" Alvarez


        • #5
          most are industry beats.. from dre n whoever.. this is just a mixtape i made of remixes an shit i collaborated on with other artists that ill never put out on my albums.. the freestyles are just that freestyles i didnt write em down or nothin.. so of course songs like the dead wrong freestyle aint gonna be on big's level but it is what it is.. im glad u dled and enjoyed atleast some of it... and the track the introduction is an introduction to the featured artist NALA... not to be a introduction to the mixtape.. jus the first track he ever recorded... and track 13 was cut from horns and halos that is y it has the labeling..


          • #6
            i liked the hail mary 2006 and the Adrenaline Rush tracks i thought diary was cool too


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