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Chuck Dirty - All Eye See

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  • Chuck Dirty - All Eye See

    This album was created from the time i was 18-20 years old. and this was also the first album i ever recorded by myself in my studio... im gonna warn you off the bat there is some mixing issues lol i just mean alot of times i mixed the vocals plenty louder than they should have been.. but it was a learning experience.. overall i think this album is one of my best it was alot of fun to record, and very exciting and i think the overall album shows that. its alot brighter than horns and halos.. and u can kinda hear me transitioning into that album on some of the tracks as far as flow, but i used many styles on this album until i solidified the sound i have now. so enjoy the younger me and please leave some serious feedback.. Id love to knwo what trax u were feelin, and which u werent.. you will be repped... Thanks in advance...

    with no further adu.. the link:

    zSHARE - Chuck Dirty - All Eye See.rar

    Last edited by Chuck Dirty; 08-26-2009, 07:08 PM.

  • #2
    Dammit! Zshare Any Chance for re-up this on somethin faster like Megaupload?


    • #3
      workin on it now 4 ya


      • #4
        just breezed though for now and songs which stood out are:

        yall aint ready - dope intro you come hard and like the singing incorporated you should sing more often
        problems - dope sample on one of azs songs if i remember correctly,
        cant hold me back - love the beat, chorus is simple and cool.
        alone - dope
        my last breath - came hard on this, dope.

        In my opinion album starts off great and you drop off a lil towards the end but hey maybe thats just because of the mixing like you said and it still needs a proper listen.
        But yea its just one of them albums you can just layback to n smoke.
        Keep up the good work man
        My Current PC
        i7 5820k @ 4.4 Ghz w/ Corsair H100i | Asus x99a | 500GB Samsung 850 SSD |250GB Samsung 840 SSD | MSI GTX1080 8GB | Asus Xonar Essence STX | 32GB Corsair Vengence | Corsair AX860


        • #5
          im gonna check this out, but ill have u know "facts of life" been in heavy rotation..

          im gonna scratch the mp3 lol


          • #6
            megaupload link added


            • #7
              Will peep out in a little chuck
              Wall Of Shame:

              Not enough room in sig for all the fails..


              • #8
                Thanks for MU link I tell you what i think bout this album when i finish listenin it


                • #9
                  Chuck Goddamn you! This is really your first album? Shit! It's really good
                  Like you said there are some mixing issues but it doesn't disturb much.
                  It's easy to see that 2Pac has big influence on your music, for example:

                  Track 2 - All Eye See "All eye\I see is money, weed and jelousy, memorires take this pain from me" this is very similar to 2Pac - Hold Ya Head "Money breeds jealousy Take the game from me"

                  I listen this album only once so far and i like:
                  04 Can't Hold This Back
                  13 papasonlyskit
                  14 Papa's Only Son
                  16 RainOnMe
                  20 Don't Wanna B Lonely
                  21 My Last Breath

                  Good Job Chuck and keep goin!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 2Lek View Post
                    It's easy to see that 2Pac has big influence on your music,
                    Yup althought that would be my only criticism, I know we all fans here but too often I notice a Pac influence like the way you say some things, and mentioning song titles etc
                    Don't wanna hate but your good enough without having to do this.
                    My Current PC
                    i7 5820k @ 4.4 Ghz w/ Corsair H100i | Asus x99a | 500GB Samsung 850 SSD |250GB Samsung 840 SSD | MSI GTX1080 8GB | Asus Xonar Essence STX | 32GB Corsair Vengence | Corsair AX860


                    • #11
                      I'ma check this out.


                      • #12
                        good stuff hommie i had this and your other albums u sent em to me while bak where u been holla mayne


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