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Not-Mak Collab Mixtape?

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  • Not-Mak Collab Mixtape?

    I just had a thought, a couple years back when makaveli-board was the place for pac fans they did an "official" mb mixtape where a bunch of djs on the site contributed a remix track for the tape, myself included.

    Not sure if this has been done here or not, I know there are a couple not-mak tapes by one or two djs but I haven't seen one with a bunch of different djs contributing a track. If it has though, if someone could point me in the right direction

    If not, what do you guys think about doing this. I was thinking like instead of having one half bein pac and one bein biggie, instead having a mixtape of big n pac collab remixes.

    What y'all think?

  • #2
    Nice idea. I think we can do a nice tape in 7 days, and we'll call it "Killuminati - The 7 Day Miracle"
    Originally posted by JayFromTheBay
    Everybody got their own theory, collect em all! like pokemons

    Originally posted by John Malti
    what you cant explane? you cant fuck me again do you think Im stupid motherfucker?
    you gon eat the milk I show you


    • #3
      It's virtually impossible to do a nice tape in 7 days CVince. Atleast not if you want to promote it properly and make it something special. Otherwise it'll just be a mixtape that isn't cohesive and is just random mixes put together. I mean, I could help out with this tape but not atm cause I'm working on a couple projects myself. There's alot of dope mixers on here tho so it could be something dope
      2Pac hours before he got shot: ''Everybody that get out of jail got good luck!''


      • #4
        Originally posted by Nimaveli View Post
        It's virtually impossible to do a nice tape in 7 days CVince. Atleast not if you want to promote it properly and make it something special. Otherwise it'll just be a mixtape that isn't cohesive and is just random mixes put together. I mean, I could help out with this tape but not atm cause I'm working on a couple projects myself. There's alot of dope mixers on here tho so it could be something dope

        If 2pac could do it, so can we
        Originally posted by JayFromTheBay
        Everybody got their own theory, collect em all! like pokemons

        Originally posted by John Malti
        what you cant explane? you cant fuck me again do you think Im stupid motherfucker?
        you gon eat the milk I show you


        • #5
          Originally posted by DJ Cvince View Post
          If 2pac could do it, so can we
          Who's going to take the task upon himself to organize this mixtape though? We're talking about hours of work on that alone, not to forget the work each mixer has to put in. Pac had magical powers to do that shit in 7 days & I'm sure he exhausted the team of engineers/producers he had behind him xD
          2Pac hours before he got shot: ''Everybody that get out of jail got good luck!''


          • #6
            maybe the album was done in 7 days but that doesnt mean it got dropped the same day it was finished, a mixtape could easily be done in 7 days with different mixers contributing mixes, after that someone can promote it make trailers release a few mixes with videos and drop the full tape a few weeks later


            • #7
              Originally posted by Nimaveli View Post
              It's virtually impossible to do a nice tape in 7 days CVince. Atleast not if you want to promote it properly and make it something special. Otherwise it'll just be a mixtape that isn't cohesive and is just random mixes put together. I mean, I could help out with this tape but not atm cause I'm working on a couple projects myself. There's alot of dope mixers on here tho so it could be something dope
              You could create a mixtape in 7 days, then promote it Later.

              "2Pac mix it laterrrrrr, dont spend 2-3 weeks on one song"



              • #8
                Originally posted by Nimaveli View Post
                It's virtually impossible to do a nice tape in 7 days CVince. Atleast not if you want to promote it properly and make it something special. Otherwise it'll just be a mixtape that isn't cohesive and is just random mixes put together
                I don't see the problem with having random mixes, as long as they are exclusive for the mixtape and fit the theme eg big n pac collabs or woteva
                After all isn't the idea of a mixtape to be a mixture or songs, aint like an album

                And yh I agree it could be done so like whoever wants to dj on it gets a rough cut or idea together within 7 days, they can then take time after to mix it down nice etc...

                I just thought it would be a cool thing to do


                • #9
                  i think it would be a great idea, but dont over do it,
                  im really sick of mixtapes, id really like to see a mixtape that was done perfectly

                  i might even drop a mix myself
                  Last edited by Creation; 12-25-2010, 08:21 PM.

                  I Know Death Follows Me
                  I'll Murder Him First


                  • #10
                    if you all wanna set it up, definitely do it, the site will support you. Ghost, DJ Cvince, D-Ace and whoever else, get together and make it happen. Post here if you want in. The more strong DJ's we got working on it, the faster it get's done, and the better it could be, because each person can focus on less songs.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ThaRealMasterC View Post
                      i think it would be a great idea, but dont over do it,
                      im really sick of mixtapes, id really like to see a mixtape that was done perfectly
                      I can appreciate that, we wouldn't want it to be just another mixtape

                      So, if people are up for it, we got 7 days... lmao just kidding


                      • #12
                        I'm down for this tape idea

                        MIXTAPE DISCOGRAPHY:


                        • #13
                          thread kinda died, although i hadnt checked it in a while
                          anyways its a new year so if people are up for it maybe we can get this underway...
                          lemme know if you wanna b part of it in this thread and also if you have any ideas for it or woteva
                          personally i like the idea of just big and pac remix collabs with some featured artists here and there
                          as for the tracks themselves i dunno although i did have an idea to do a deep cover remix with them both, dunno if this has been done


                          • #14
                            ok as of right now myself, ThaRealMasterC, MarkyMark, PAPAVELI, DJ Cvince & D-Ace are all down to do the tape

                            probably need a couple more people so if you interested pm me or post in here
                            soon as i get enough people, i'll start a new thread to discuss the theme etc...

                            this could either be epic or epic fail... help us make it epic


                            • #15
                              ^full staff support will be given so everyone who wants to, join in on the tape. 6 people so far, so tahts about 2-3 songs each, if we can get a few more, we can have a full length tape with each person doing 2 songs only. thats easy (for you guys, would take forever for me lol)


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