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Not-Mak Collab Mixtape?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by makaveli-livez View Post
    yeah the only trouble is im just starting out making cpu pellas so doubt you would want to use them but if it`s okay with you i`d like to try & do a song for the tape
    yh thats kl anyone is welcome

    Originally posted by makaveli-livez View Post
    are you still after some g-funk type beats because if you are just let me know i got a good collection of g-funk instrumentals
    i'd be interested to see what beats you've got

    Originally posted by KREW View Post
    So are people working on this as we speak or do we need more people?
    atm we probably have enough people if we do 2 mixes a piece, just need to finalize the concept

    Originally posted by VenomRx View Post
    Who do we send the mixes to? I am getting mixed signals on the mixtape concept.
    I guess right now you can send the mixes to me.
    As for the concept lets finalize it right now. From this thread what i've gather is:
    - its going to be some pac mixes, some biggie mixes and some pac n biggie collabs
    - its going to be a mixture of 90's westcoast beats and some newer more modern beats
    - as for the track content i'm guessing anything goes those people should say which pella n beat they r using so its not duplicated by someone else

    If that all sounds good then just post saying you agree, if u think its wrong or u wanna change summin/add summin post saying that too

    Once everyone has confirmed it we can get to work on the tape


    • #32
      Originally posted by makaveli-livez View Post
      are you still after some g-funk type beats because if you are just let me know i got a good collection of g-funk instrumentals
      yeah hook me up with some gfunk beats


      • #33
        Originally posted by Gh0st View Post
        As for the concept lets finalize it right now. From this thread what i've gather is:
        - its going to be some pac mixes, some biggie mixes and some pac n biggie collabs
        - its going to be a mixture of 90's westcoast beats and some newer more modern beats
        - as for the track content i'm guessing anything goes those people should say which pella n beat they r using so its not duplicated by someone else

        If that all sounds good then just post saying you agree, if u think its wrong or u wanna change summin/add summin post saying that too

        Once everyone has confirmed it we can get to work on the tape
        i agree with all these

        i'll start work on a couple things between now & the rest of the night

        i'll try get that mix i showed you complete & i will send you that also

        I Know Death Follows Me
        I'll Murder Him First


        • #34
          i got some mixes on stand by. so far, for Pac, i've used Fake Ass Bitches, Dumpin' and Ghetto Star. for B.I.G., i've used Niggas and Last Dayz. I've made 2 Pac-B.I.G. collabs. Let me know if you want em.



          • #35
            Originally posted by KREW View Post
            i got some mixes on stand by. so far, for Pac, i've used Fake Ass Bitches, Dumpin' and Ghetto Star. for B.I.G., i've used Niggas and Last Dayz. I've made 2 Pac-B.I.G. collabs. Let me know if you want em.
            yh whatever you wanna b on the tape send my way, rough cuts will do for now jus to get a feel for the mixes

            obviously not everything everyone does will make the cut, depends if it fits in with majority of the mixes, the vibe etc...

            maybe once we got all the tracks, whatever didn't make it could be 'leaked' lmao


            • #36
              Sent mine in.
              "Very nice. So what is it, *Mr.* Cocksucker now?...Lunch is for wimps."


              • #37
                I sent in some of my mixes as well. I hope we get this tape going. Its been a while since the last Not-Mak tape.

                MIXTAPE DISCOGRAPHY:


                • #38
                  yh got both of yours, both r dope
                  dunno what the best way to decide what makes the tape will b cos obviously it cant just be my selection

                  I'm thinking we pm them to everyone on the project or i could get them all and up the whole lot and everyone can pick their tracklist n the most popular make the cut

                  however we do it would also be good to get a couple of members of mods to take their pick too cos we all like different things
                  how you guys think its best to decide
                  Last edited by Gh0st; 01-08-2011, 09:44 PM.


                  • #39
                    if any of yall want custom verses holla... thats about the only way i can help lol


                    • #40
                      chuck dirty, big n pac would be dope :P


                      • #41
                        here`s one of the g-funk beats i mentioned
                        zSHARE - G-Funk Instrumental 5.mp3


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Gh0st View Post
                          I just had a thought, a couple years back when makaveli-board was the place for pac fans they did an "official" mb mixtape where a bunch of djs on the site contributed a remix track for the tape, myself included.

                          Not sure if this has been done here or not, I know there are a couple not-mak tapes by one or two djs but I haven't seen one with a bunch of different djs contributing a track. If it has though, if someone could point me in the right direction

                          If not, what do you guys think about doing this. I was thinking like instead of having one half bein pac and one bein biggie, instead having a mixtape of big n pac collab remixes.

                          What y'all think?
                          funny i dont ever remember m-b being the place to be in the past but a new mixtape sounds like a good idea
                          Originally Posted by Crusty

                          other boards dropped exclusive songs and videos but nothing here from the people whom have tons of exclusive stuff?
                          i`m confused


                          • #43
                            I'm in.

                            Originally posted by Flintheart_Glomgold
                            Calm down. This doesnt affect your life. Get over it. Its ancient history and the only thing thats certain is that you dont have all the facts. Even if you did, try to occupy your time with something more wholesome.


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