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Got an idea...

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  • Got an idea...

    I was thinkin of restyling a road 2 glory beat remake and remixing it with 2Pacs Uppercut, sound like a dope switch up?

    Thing is though, I don't wanna start on it if the bpms are too far apart, and I don't have me tools on me right now, can someone tell me both songs bpm, and watchu think

    Gracias, ciao

    Originally posted by Flintheart_Glomgold
    Calm down. This doesnt affect your life. Get over it. Its ancient history and the only thing thats certain is that you dont have all the facts. Even if you did, try to occupy your time with something more wholesome.

  • #2
    switch ups r cheap
    Originally Posted by Crusty

    other boards dropped exclusive songs and videos but nothing here from the people whom have tons of exclusive stuff?
    i`m confused


    • #3
      switchups are off tha hook
      road 2 glory is at 89.53 or 89.54 brm
      can't tell you the bpm of uppercut as i couldnt find the og on my pc, but i guess its somewhere around 95

      i've been reading that u think windows went downhill after xp
      i agree that vista was horrible, but imo windows 7 is really great, u know windows 7 dont u?
      windows 8 maybe/probably is shit aswell, but u gotta see it like this: after every good version the will be a better version so windows 9 (in case they call it like this) should be dope again


      • #4
        Kool Idea, might sound great, who knows unless u test it out, like tha idea tho.


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