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2 Live & Die In LA Alt Instrumental Edit

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  • 2 Live & Die In LA Alt Instrumental Edit

    I found this istrumental remix of 2 Live & Die In LA on youtube from a guy that does great Pac instrumental remakes and decided to mix it with the actual acapella. Turned out well. Enjoy

    Original Producer's Channel/beat link
    Last edited by jav; 07-13-2021, 11:36 AM.

  • #2
    Please post remixes in the remix section. You are cluttering the forum with your little crusade against all that is logical, for the sake of some cheap props. If your goal is to be nice to the Pac fandom, please fall in line with how things are done and have always been done around these parts. We don't need a lil' Jean d'Arc to shake up something that alreadt works perfectly. All you're doing is giving mods more chores to do when they move your threads. For fuck sake.

    unofficial 2pac scene discord


    • #3
      Originally posted by Preach View Post
      Please post remixes in the remix section. You are cluttering the forum with your little crusade against all that is logical, for the sake of some cheap props. If your goal is to be nice to the Pac fandom, please fall in line with how things are done and have always been done around these parts. We don't need a lil' Jean d'Arc to shake up something that alreadt works perfectly. All you're doing is giving mods more chores to do when they move your threads. For fuck sake.
      Holy shit.. shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing yourself. Get a fucking life Karen. Go call the manager. It's been like 4 days and the mods haven't even batted an eye, yet here you are spending all day trying to police a dead forum. So trifling. Go outside you bored fucking BUM. If the mods aren't bothered why are you? If the mods want to move my shit they are more than welcome to, they would have by now if I violated any rules, which I didnt, posting alternative OG makaveli mixdowns in the makaveli section, NOT remixes, which people have been doing forever. Clearly literally nobody cares except you, why isnt that telling you something?? Take a fucking hint. An actual male Karen on a forum and you don't even have any authority, aren't you ashamed?
      Last edited by jav; 07-13-2021, 08:00 PM.


      • #4
        dope stuff homie!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by jav View Post
          holy shit.. Shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing yourself. Get a fucking life karen. Go call the manager. It's been like 4 days and the mods haven't even batted an eye, yet here you are spending all day trying to police a dead forum. So trifling. Go outside you bored fucking bum. If the mods aren't bothered why are you? If the mods want to move my shit they are more than welcome to, they would have by now if i violated any rules, which i didnt, posting alternative og makaveli mixdowns in the makaveli section, not remixes, which people have been doing forever. Clearly literally nobody cares except you, why isnt that telling you something?? Take a fucking hint. An actual male karen on a forum and you don't even have any authority, aren't you ashamed?
          hit em up part 3!!!!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by jav View Post
            Holy shit.. shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing yourself. Get a fucking life Karen. Go call the manager. It's been like 4 days and the mods haven't even batted an eye, yet here you are spending all day trying to police a dead forum. So trifling. Go outside you bored fucking BUM. If the mods aren't bothered why are you? If the mods want to move my shit they are more than welcome to, they would have by now if I violated any rules, which I didnt, posting alternative OG makaveli mixdowns in the makaveli section, NOT remixes, which people have been doing forever. Clearly literally nobody cares except you, why isnt that telling you something?? Take a fucking hint. An actual male Karen on a forum and you don't even have any authority, aren't you ashamed?
            I don't know what any of this has to do with your prepubescent resistance to a fair point. I'm not ashamed and I don't know what the fuck your problem is.

            I'm also not convinced nobody else cares. The minute everyone starts posting their remixes and other shitty fan edits up in this forum, at some point someone's gonna say something.

            I also don't need authority to be right. Fuck you, bigtime, guy.
            unofficial 2pac scene discord


            • #7
              Originally posted by Preach View Post
              I don't know what any of this has to do with your prepubescent resistance to a fair point. I'm not ashamed and I don't know what the fuck your problem is.

              I'm also not convinced nobody else cares. The minute everyone starts posting their remixes and other shitty fan edits up in this forum, at some point someone's gonna say something.

              I also don't need authority to be right. Fuck you, bigtime, guy.
              LOL "shitty fan edit" yea aite.... so not only are you a male karen but you're also a projecting hating ass bitch... you sure do exhibit some strong feminine traits. You must be a real fucking failure in life to persist about something so petty just to derail well received threads simply because you feel overlooked.

              You made no point. You entire grievance is based on the false premise that these are remixes, when they are literally just alternative mixdowns with the same og beat. You have no legitimate argument. You're an underachieving low life projecting his own insecurities onto somebody who doesnt deserve it because you personally feel like I found some sort of loophole that you didn't. NOBODY cares except you Makaveli Karen, in fact, every single person appreciates what I shared, including the mods who arent moving my shit because I didn't violate any rules and these aren't remixes.

              The ONLY person on this forum that has a problem is YOU ... because you hate the fact that nobody gives a shit about anything you post on here, so all you can do is misdirect your anger onto somebody whom you resent for not receiving the same treatment you do. Fucking go cry a river Makaveli Karen, you unaccomplished insecure imbecile.
              Last edited by jav; 07-14-2021, 07:36 PM.


              • #8
                My point is that the Discussion forum is for discussions. There is a Remix forum for remixes and edits, and there's a Downloads forum with a handful of sub-forums for various categories of downloads. Everything else you're extrapolating from my stance on this is all in your head. I don't know why you think I care so much.

                There's a multitude of reasons why it makes a whole lot of sense to post threads in the forums where they belong. If you're too dim to grasp why forums are structured this way (and always have been) then I don't know what to tell you.

                I'm also willing to bet no mods have even read this thread yet. Like you said, this place isn't what Tupac forums once was. Alas, you're still cluttering. And it's still your fan edit that you mixed down that you're now trying to bring more exposure to by posting it in the most active forum. Make of that what you will but you're the insecure little bitch making a big deal out of something RLY simple. Now please fuck yourself to infinity and then shut the fuck up. And post in the right forums, please please please.
                unofficial 2pac scene discord


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Preach View Post
                  My point is that the Discussion forum is for discussions. There is a Remix forum for remixes and edits, and there's a Downloads forum with a handful of sub-forums for various categories of downloads. Everything else you're extrapolating from my stance on this is all in your head. I don't know why you think I care so much.

                  There's a multitude of reasons why it makes a whole lot of sense to post threads in the forums where they belong. If you're too dim to grasp why forums are structured this way (and always have been) then I don't know what to tell you.

                  I'm also willing to bet no mods have even read this thread yet. Like you said, this place isn't what Tupac forums once was. Alas, you're still cluttering. And it's still your fan edit that you mixed down that you're now trying to bring more exposure to by posting it in the most active forum. Make of that what you will but you're the insecure little bitch making a big deal out of something RLY simple. Now please fuck yourself to infinity and then shut the fuck up. And post in the right forums, please please please.

                  Yet and still not one rule has been broken.

                  The remix tab says nothing about edits. Another lie you just fabricated to falsely lend credence to your weightless argument.
                  And wow this loser really just said I am causing "clutter". Is this forum your living space you socially incompetent remedial dimwit? Do you pay rent here Makaveli Karen? Your level of obsession has crossed over from obnoxious to creepy. Does living knowing my edits are in the makaveli section without objection from the mods effect your quality of life? not that that's saying much considering you clearly have no life or ANYTHING going for you. But hey art really does imitate life because just like in real life you have no power or authority over anyone here neither. All you can do is bark at the moon and be a nuisance and burden on the general good energy in the forum. Fucking loser.
                  Last edited by jav; 07-15-2021, 05:11 AM.


                  • #10
                    DOPFunk stuff circulating these days, fresh impluse to the music also for our mixers out here, since the record companies sleeping on it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jav View Post
                      Fucking loser.
                      And that's your thread, moved. Case in point. Thanks to all involved. Now please show some respect for the status quo.
                      unofficial 2pac scene discord


                      • #12
                        I'll give it to ya though, the "Makaveli Karen" comment actually made me laugh out loud.
                        unofficial 2pac scene discord


                        • #13
                          See, this is a classic example of how much BETTER some of Pac's unleased tracks COULD be. For example, imagine if this guy that re-created this instrumental did others like:

                          - They Don't Give A Fuck About Us
                          - Soon As I Get Home
                          - Grab The Mic aka Rearview 2
                          - Last Ones Left
                          - Breathin'

                          The last 2 on here are already prime, but I'd be interested in adding even more flavor to it.


                          • #14
                            like an enhanced remix form
                            i think thats what they wanted to create with Nu-Mixxes series - some are better, some are not.

                            the thing is, not everybody got the same gusto and if its retail most just complaining (it cost), but if its coming directly from the fanbase community you can talk about it and you may can arrange with the output plus the developing grows over time.
                            a reason could be, that the fanbase community is much closer to the originally artist direction, then a professional mixer/producer who want to contribute to such a retail project - no matter as a homage to the great artist and/or as a stepping stone in his career. so the result is not always what the fanbase community expecting to throw dollars at.


                            • #15
                              Can someone lalalai the Max Payne mixdown? The instrumental turns out super nice


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