Shout out to [MENTION=3207]MakaveliWho2 for the donation and for the ok to let this version I'm working on public. 
Aaaaaaah Street Fame... (Part 2 OG. Not the Thug Life version and DEFINITELY NOT THAT BRISS MIX ON THE RETAIL ALBUM)
The first time I heard this song (The mix from the bootlegs) I used to think it was ok, but mix just sounded like it was all over the place to me and I was like "GODDAMN WHY DOES THIS F'N FIFE FLUTE HAVE TO PLAY THROUGH THE WHOLE SONG" (lol more about the flute a lil later)
Years later a bunch of "Final/Later Mixdowns" started coming out and "Street Fame" was one of 'em to be released... Ok this was/is my problem with a lot of these versions, but I'm gonna stay on topic about "Street Fame".
Now the mix of 2Pac's vocals were a whole lot better, but of course when it comes to "2Pac OGz" there's always some "catch 22" ugh. I know just a moment ago I complained about the "Fife flute" right lol Well this mix made me feel exactly like what the hook on Janet Jackson's song "Got Til It's Gone" which samples "Big Yellow Taxi" by Joni Mitchell... (Deep Breath) "Don't it always seem to go / that you DON'T know what you got til it's GONE"... There is nothing more "true" than that statement. I was like "WTF??!!! WHERE'S THE FLUTE AT????!!"
With the flute completely GONE I don't know if I was just so used to hearing it or I'd come to realize how "essential" it really was to this song and how empty it sounds without it. Looking back now I think I don't hate the lil flute lol. I just thought GOOD GOD it goes ON and ON and ON, but damn... Now that it's gone I really miss tha lil thing...
Come back lil Fife Flute...
I know that ain't happening... At least not "officially"...
I was never gonna touch this song, but since Makaveliwho2 asked if I could do a mix for it...
Heres a draft welcoming back the lil' flute
(Only on tha intro and hooks tho... You are missed, but you don't need to wear out your welcome like long ago lmao)

Aaaaaaah Street Fame... (Part 2 OG. Not the Thug Life version and DEFINITELY NOT THAT BRISS MIX ON THE RETAIL ALBUM)
The first time I heard this song (The mix from the bootlegs) I used to think it was ok, but mix just sounded like it was all over the place to me and I was like "GODDAMN WHY DOES THIS F'N FIFE FLUTE HAVE TO PLAY THROUGH THE WHOLE SONG" (lol more about the flute a lil later)
Years later a bunch of "Final/Later Mixdowns" started coming out and "Street Fame" was one of 'em to be released... Ok this was/is my problem with a lot of these versions, but I'm gonna stay on topic about "Street Fame".
Now the mix of 2Pac's vocals were a whole lot better, but of course when it comes to "2Pac OGz" there's always some "catch 22" ugh. I know just a moment ago I complained about the "Fife flute" right lol Well this mix made me feel exactly like what the hook on Janet Jackson's song "Got Til It's Gone" which samples "Big Yellow Taxi" by Joni Mitchell... (Deep Breath) "Don't it always seem to go / that you DON'T know what you got til it's GONE"... There is nothing more "true" than that statement. I was like "WTF??!!! WHERE'S THE FLUTE AT????!!"
With the flute completely GONE I don't know if I was just so used to hearing it or I'd come to realize how "essential" it really was to this song and how empty it sounds without it. Looking back now I think I don't hate the lil flute lol. I just thought GOOD GOD it goes ON and ON and ON, but damn... Now that it's gone I really miss tha lil thing...
Come back lil Fife Flute...
I know that ain't happening... At least not "officially"...
I was never gonna touch this song, but since Makaveliwho2 asked if I could do a mix for it...
Heres a draft welcoming back the lil' flute

(Only on tha intro and hooks tho... You are missed, but you don't need to wear out your welcome like long ago lmao)