Ghost- D-Ace and Cvince Mix
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What Are You Listening To?
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Well i always listen to at least 2-3 pac songs everyday i just cant imagine a day that i dont do that lol...
Lately ive been listening to dooms new project called JJ Doom, Locksmith´s new album the labryrinth, ive also been going through two of my fav. john lennon albums called imagine and mind games... But for the past 3 years i have been listening to wonderful hip hop artist called K-Rino, the guy is an underground legend with over 20 albums under his belt. Been in the game since 1986. He is my second favorite musician of course number 1 is PAC. He is very lyrical and poetic with deep concepts and is the only emcee to really get to me besides Pac. if ya havent heard about him i recommend ya check him out!! i will garantee that most if not everybody who is a big pac fan will like this guy, first albums ya should check out are Deeper elevation and the day of the storm.. the song iam gonna post now is a couple a years old though
here is another one with him called rain and wind Enjoy he kind of reminds me of pac sometimes in a good way