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Still Ballin OG (corrected)
just to be clear on some sht... i purposely just took the last chorus out because i personally felt that the ending of kurupts verse was a good ending to the song... i could have corrected the last chorus and would have been very easy to do but like i said.. i like kurupts ending better...
wait how did u fix it without the instrumental i dont understand
Originally posted by Gurdeep95 View Postwait how did u fix it without the instrumental i dont understand
Originally posted by :NXO: View PostI think the song is soppose to sound the way it does.
lol. definitely not man... that mighta been how they recorded and left it but it woulda been fixed upon its release... as it was on BD...
Originally posted by Nikola View PostThey would have to re-record those parts because computers weren't developed back then for audio editing...2Pac hours before he got shot: ''Everybody that get out of jail got good luck!''
Huh? Aren't the vocals and instrumentals always on different layers? Wouldn't fixing it be very easy?
but back then
aligning layers was not possible in analog tape realm because sound is physically recorded to tape, you cant move it.
you probably have cassete in your house, try to move beginning of a song.. you cant... same shit with multi layer tape..
for some people its hard understand this stuff because they were born in mp3s and digital software age.
all they think about is "copy" and "paste" "undo" and "redo" "select all"
none of that robotic childish shit existed back then, if u screw up u have to record all over again..
thank god its easy now to transfer those layers from tape to computer, and fix them in software...
pro tools and digital recording become industry standard in late 1998. and that was official start of music destroying .
the endLast edited by Nikola; 08-14-2010, 11:41 PM.sigpic
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